Friday, September 28, 2007

O Brother where art thou?

The skipping of the PBS debate on September 27, 2007 of some of the candidates of the Republican Party was unacceptable and disgusting. Minority voters, that mostly vote democrat, should be as important to the Republicans as white K-street business owners. I found it a slap in the face to the people in that audience and all minorities across the nation for them not to be there. Well, these were the very same people that missed that Value Voters debate previously in the month also.

See, this is why we need change in the Republican Party. Mike Huckabee was a governor of a very democratic state and won 48% of the black vote in his election bids. We need a president to reach down and pick up a man, woman or child of all facets of life and wealth and the so-called “front-runners” are not those leaders. Mitt Romney is a millionaire who wants you to believe he is a real conservative especially after his “transfiguration” into pro-life just a couple years prior (John Kerry anyone?). Rudy Giuliani is running as a conservative, by name only, for having the most conservative ran city in New York in over 50 years…. not hard to do in a city melting in liberalism, just lower one tax to get that accomplished. Oh, and if I have to hear ONE more story about him running the city after 9-11 I will throw up-we get it MAYOR! John McCain, whom I have great respect for, should have been there. I think his message needs to be heard by minorities, because he apparently never talks to them.

But, I am sure all the republicans there last night will be labeled liberals for having gone. Even labeled Huckabee as a “social conservative and a fiscal liberal”, I guess the Giuliani-bots are hard at work behind a keyboard. After cutting taxes over 90 times and leaving a surplus of millions in revenue he wanted his predecessor to give back to the citizens as another tax break, if Huckabee’s record doesn’t speak for true conservatism I don’t know what does.
Again, I ask for us to rise up and meet the challenge of gaining support for Huckabee and allowing him the time to allow his message to resonate among all people here in this nation. It may not take long for Brownback to concede and there are many conservative value voters that we as Huckabee voters can gain if we work and fight the good fight.

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